On Saturday the 3rd of June my mum, dad and I went to my aunt's house to have a celebration because my uncles came back to New Zealand.
When we reached my aunt’s house, we called all my uncles to come to the house so that we could surprise my uncles that have just came to New Zealand. After we called them, we waited for 20 minutes for all my uncles to come. For all my uncles to come. After that, I greeted everyone then went into my cousin’s room to play with them.
After I found my cousins, they were trying to scare anyone that came into their room, but as soon as they heard it was me, they let me into the room. When they heard it was me they let me in and then they asked me if I wanted to play hide and seek I said “Yes, sure!”. While we were playing, my dad and mom said that we should get home because it was starting to get dark so we said our goodbyes and went home.
I like going to parties because you get meet new people and have dinner together.
Learning Intention: We are learning to add details to our writing.
Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I describe the party with my mum and dad.